The new group lessons are available and the start has been made in the region Eindhoven.

In the near future, we will add indoor and outdoor classes and workshops on this page. A great overview for your active and creative leisure activities.

Brenda van der Burgt

workshop Paint


Move for childeren

1 oktober — 1 december

National Sportsweek

Outdoor sports

1 september — 1 december 2020

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Move for seniors

1 oktober

You are welcome!

“Exercise stimulates creative thinking.”

Sport is good for our health. That is well known. There is also increasing scientific evidence that exercise is important to our brain.

Cognitive psychologie Lorenza Colzato, who works at the University of Leiden, researched the influence of regular movement on creative thinking.

“Exercising for a longer of time leads to an increase in oxygenation and in the glucose level in the front parts of the brain. This brings benefits to the mind, it controls the working memory and keeps it up to date. ”

The psychologist investigated how two groups (people who exercise 3 times a week or more vs. people who exercise 1x a week or less) performed certain thinking tasks. The psychologist thinks that physical exertion trains the brain to become more flexible in finding creative solutions. But that only works if your body is used to being active

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